Betta breeding is a very difficult skill but, I will show you the tools to do it the amature way. First buy a good male and female betta from a good betta breeder. You can get good bettas at It has wonderful bettas. After you have bought a male and female betta feed the bettas live brine shrimp or daphnia from an aquatic store like aquabid the internet.Then go and buy a ten gallon tank,some fake plants,a small heater and some flake food from Walmart I'll tell you why You want the flake food in a moment. After feeding the bettas brine shrimp/daphnia for two weeks straight fill your ten gallon tank with warm water. After you have filled the tank half way stop. Place your fake plants inside and also place your heater inside. then go in the room you have your fish in connect the heater to the power source and wait an hour. Then place your male and female inside together. Go watch a little tv for an hour or two then come back and check your bettas and see what they are doing is your female rappidly swimming away from the male if so take her out and start over from the begining if not then here congrats that you've made it this far! So I'm guessing your males making a nest and the females staying in one place or wandering around. Just so you know it's normal for the male to flair if she comes to close to the nest! Next in a day or two your males nest will be finished and the bettas will start flirting with each other then a love dance then the embrace which is a sight to see eggs falling from your females egg sack. After they have bred take the female out after they have embraced guessing that they have embraced several times. And the male was flaring at the female again.Once you took out the female watch the male put tiny white specs into the nest those are your eggs! In twenty four to fourty eight hours you will see under the males nest little pokey things with eyes looking up in the air those are the fry! Next comes the hard part keeping the baby fry alive.